麦risbb 发表于 2020-3-20 00:24:42


Should I Get a Second Rabbit该不该养第二只兔子?
From: House Rabbit SocietyWritten:Jul 10, 2011Translated: Mar 24, 2014

Over the years, HRS volunteers have foundfew generalizations that can safely be applied to all rabbits. The more rabbitswe meet, the more exceptions we find. Only one truth remains unchallenged:Rabbits are not meant to live in solitude, away from members of their own kind.过去这些年里,HRS的志愿者们发现寥寥可数的概论是能安全地适用在所有兔子身上的,我们见的兔子越多,发现的例外就越多。但只有一个真理是屹立不倒(unchallenged)的:兔子不应该和它的同类分开孤独地生活着。

Why is a second rabbit a good idea?为什么养第二只兔子会是一个好主意?The need for companionship is so deeplyingrained in rabbits that centuries of domestication have had little impact.Like humans and many other creatures, European wild rabbits (ancestors to ourdomestic rabbits) need to live in groups. A community or warren consists of asmany as a hundred individuals working together to create, maintain andpeacefully share a network of tunnels. Their lives include daily cooperation tofind food, watch for and warn of predators, and protect, raise, and teach theiryoung.兔子对同伴的需求是如此根深蒂固,以至于多世纪以来的驯化并没有改变这个特性分毫。如同人类及其他的动物一样,欧洲野兔(家兔的祖先)需要随群而居。一个兔子群落包含了多只上百只个体来共同协作去制造,维护,并和平地分享地道网络。它们的生活包括了合作觅食,警戒猎食者,保护并养育幼崽。The need for companionship can be metpartially by a human, but once you live with a bonded pair or trio you will seethat even the most devoted human cannot quite fill the bill. Bonded pairs arerarely out of each other’s sight. Humans will never be completely fluent inRabbit. Rabbits talk to each other constantly, not so much with sounds as withmovements. There are large movements such as dancing and grooming, and thereare quite small communications of breath and slight shifts in position. You cansense some of this quiet conversation by lying on the floor beside twotalkative rabbits. The bond between human and rabbit also can be deep andjoyful. In fact, the closer we become to our rabbits, the more clearly do weunderstand their need for a friend of their own kind.人类能在某些部分满足兔子对同伴的需求,但一旦你见过相互关照的一对或三只兔子你就会发现,有些事情是最关怀的主人也没办法满足兔子的。相互关照的一对兔子很少离开对方的视野。人类也永远也不能精通兔子语。兔子经常和同类交流,大到“兔子舞”和梳洗,小到呼吸和视角变换,不依靠声音而是通过这些行为来沟通。如果你趴在地板上观察两只“多话”的兔子的话就能发现这些安静的对话。当然人类和兔子的羁绊也可以变得紧密而欢乐。事实上我们和我们的兔子越亲近,就越能理解他们对他们同类朋友的需求。Fortunately for all of us, what’s good forthe bunny is very good for her human. HRS Colorado Chapter Manager NancyLaRoche writes, “Pairs are much easier to care for, get into far less trouble,are happier, and tend to relate better to people. Boredom leads tobunny-in-trouble, and pairs don’t get nearly as bored because they are so busyrelating to each other. Many adopters have told me, ‘If anyone doubts thatpairs get into less trouble and relate better to people, tell them to call me!If I had known how much easier two rabbits would be, I’d never have gotten justone.”幸运的是,多养一只兔子对兔子和主人来说都是一件有益的事。HRS科罗拉多州分部管理人Nancy LaRoche写到:“一对兔子其实更容易照顾,更少出问题,更开心,也更亲人。无聊会给兔子带来一些问题,但一对兔子因为忙着和对方交流沟通,自然不觉得无聊。许多领养者告诉我:‘如果有谁质疑一对兔子会变的比较亲人也少出问题的话,叫他们打电话给我!如果我知道养两只兔子会有多容易,我决不会只带一只走。’”Boredom and depression are common symptomsof loneliness in rabbits. These are accompanied by destructiveness andhyperactivity in some rabbits (generally the smaller breeds), withdrawal inothers.无聊和抑郁是兔子寂寞的常见症状,在某些兔子(一般是小型种)身上会伴随出现破坏欲和好动的情况,而在另一些兔子身上可能伴随自我封闭的现象(withdrawal)。By adopting your new friend from a shelteror rescue group you can save two lives, which feels even better than savingone.况且,从救助站拯救两只生命的感觉一定比救一个更好。
Are there exceptions to the rule?有没有例外?Okay, so I lied. Even this almost constant,almost universal truth about rabbits does not apply to every single rabbitunder the moon. How can you determine whether your bun is one of theserareties? You must ask other rabbits to tell you. Read the how-to series ofarticles in the House Rabbit Journal, and set up a few introductions. If youfind that Thumper really does not share your interest in living with rabbits,please consider a non-rabbit non-human friend for him. This is especiallyimportant for rabbits who are home alone much of the time. The solitude of anempty apartment would be unnatural even for the wild animals whom we label assolitary. As she goes about her daily business, even a solitary animal like anorangutan is surrounded by other living creatures. Don’t let a busy schedulegive you the guilts about quality time your rabbit is missing. Think guineapigs. Think cats. Some bunnies coexist contentedly with a feathered friend.Cross-species introductions, in which territorial issues are muted, run aswifter and easier course than rabbit/rabbit situations. There may be somewherea rabbit who is truly deeply solitary, but I have not met one in ten years ofliving with rabbits.好吧,所以我还是说谎了。就算是这个几乎不变,几乎全面适用的真理也不是适用于世界上的每一只兔子的。怎么确定你的兔子属不属于这个稀有情况呢?你只能靠另一只兔子来告诉你,请参见House Rabbit Journal的”how to”系列文章并安排几次兔子见面。如果这个大脾气兔兔真的不喜欢和其他兔子生活在一起,那麻烦你考虑介绍一些非兔也非人的朋友给它吧。这对那些大部分时间都呆在家里的兔兔尤为重要。住在一个空空住处里的孤独感对于那些野生独居动物来说也是不自然的。独居动物,如红毛猩猩,在忙活完它一天的事情后也是被其他生物围绕着的。不要因你的繁忙工作,没办法给予兔兔一个高质量生活而懊悔不已。试试荷兰猪,试试猫猫,有些兔子甚至还可以和有羽毛的朋友快乐地生活在一起。因跨物种的交流会弱化领地问题,这样的见面可能比两兔见面要顺利的多。或许这个世界真的有一只绝对独居的兔子,但至少我在与兔子相处的10年间是没有遇到过。There are some medical reasons for notadopting a second rabbit. Rabbits of opposite sexes who are not spayed/neuteredshould never be with one another. In addition to being good preventive healthcare, altering allows for smooth introductions and loving long-termrelationships between same-sex partners as well as male/female pairs. We havediscussed spay/neuter in many previous articles and consider it a cornerstoneof medical and behavioral health for all rabbits. Rabbits who are not alteredwill produce more rabbits, adding to the overpopulation problem. An unneuteredrabbit who is too elderly for surgery, or a neutered individual who is frail orsick may not be able to handle the stress of an introduction to another rabbit,but may be a good candidate for a guinea pig friend.一些医学因素可能不允许你领养第二只兔子,如未绝育的两只异性兔子就绝不能放在一起。绝育不仅对预防疾病有益而且有利于两只同性或异性兔子和谐相处,发展长期的亲密关系。我们在之前的许多文章里已经讨论过绝育对兔子的健康的重要性。未绝育的兔子会不断繁殖导致“兔口过剩”。一只太老了已经不适合做绝育的兔子,或是一只绝育了但正患病或虚弱的兔子都可能承受不了介绍新成员给他们带来的压力,这种情况下主人还是考虑一下一只荷兰猪朋友吧。Two rabbits are generally not moreexpensive than one. Pellets, hay, fresh fruits and vegetables, andlitter-shopping for two puts little additional strain on the budget. Theexception is medical care. Both must be spayed/neutered, and even if you startwith a spayed/neutered pair, one or both rabbits may become ill and requireveterinary care.两只兔子一般不会比一只贵太多。给两只兔子准备兔粮干草果蔬垫料不会对预算增加很明显的负担。不过医疗保健费用例外:相处的两只兔子都要做绝育,还有之后看病的费用。
If rabbits crave companionship, why areintroductions often so difficult?如果兔子这么想要同伴,为什么介绍新同伴还会这么难?Having introduced other companion animalsto members of their own species (dogs, cats, guinea pigs), I’ve often wonderedwhy rabbits require such particular strategizing and supervising. Could it bebecause their capacity for emotional relationships is so intense? Theintroduction can be as dramatically hostile as the marriage is devoted. Wildrabbits do not initially welcome strangers with friendly greetings but ratherdefend the warren against any newcomers.我给其他的动物(狗,猫,荷兰猪)介绍过新朋友之后,我常常想,为什么给兔子介绍一个同类需要这么多的技巧和监视。会不会是他们对情感关系的容纳度比较严格?介绍新兔子时他们是如此富有敌意,而相处后又是这么恩爱。野生兔子一开始也不会欢迎陌生兔子,而是奋力保护它的群落免受新兔子的侵扰。Introductions are often difficult for thesupervising human. I have attended many introductions over the years, and onlythe firsthand observation of the happy, peaceful outcome of these skirmisheshas reduced the stress level for me. If you’re not fortunate enough to be anHRS fosterer, the next best thing is the video “Introducing Rabbits.” Thisshows in detail the process by which rabbits who start out as implacableenemies are transformed into inseparable friends.对于监视人——主人来说,介绍新兔子往往很头疼。过去几年里我也参与过许多两兔见面会,但只有亲眼看见这些两兔冲突最后演变成和平欢乐的结局时才能松一口气。如果你不幸不是HRS养育者的话,那就看看我们的“Introducing Rabbit”这个视频吧,视频详细介绍了兔子们如何从水火不容的敌人变成如胶似漆的朋友的。
How about a threesome?那个,3P?As we have seen over and over, once theymake it through the introductory phase, the bonded pair become devoted to eachother–so much so that care must be taken when one rabbit dies, leaving agrieving survivor. Bereaved rabbits often accept a new friend more readily thana rabbit who has never had a partner, a tribute to both the resilience and thesociability of rabbits. However, you may wish to spare your rabbit theheartache, and the illness that sometimes accompanies it, by introducing athird rabbit to your pair.在我们目睹的一个又一个例子里,兔子一旦和平度过介绍阶段,这一对兔子是会非常忠于对方的。这种羁绊是如此深刻以至于如果一方去了小兔星球,主人必须对这个“遗孀”施行密切的关注照顾。丧亲的兔子比孤儿小兔更容易接受一个新朋友,深刻体现了兔子的社交性和适应性。这种丧亲之痛很可能会给兔子带来疾病,如果你希望在未来避免这种孤独的痛楚纠缠你的兔子的话,那就提前介绍第三只兔子给这对兔兔吧。This is a primary reason for having athreesome, but there are other benefits for you and for the rabbits. As withpairs, the only real increase in expense is medical care. The pleasure ofobserving and participating in interactions among rabbits increasesexponentially with the number of animals present.这是3p的最基本的原因,但3p也有另外的好处。就像养一对一样,养三只对成本的增加也并不夸张(除了医疗保健)。兔子互相交流和沟通的愉悦感是会随着饲养数量的增加而成指数级增加的。
Will my rabbit give all his affection tohis new friend and have none to spare for me?兔子会不会只爱它的小兔朋友就不爱我了This question often comes up when peopleare considering a second rabbit. Will my rabbit give all his affection to hisnew friend and have none to spare for his human? Remember that large warrens ofrabbits live peacefully in close quarters.There are special bonds among individuals,but no one is excluded. We can also look to our own hearts for the answer. Willyou love your resident rabbit less when you have two–or more–with whom to shareyour days?打算养第二只兔子的人往往会考虑这个问题。兔子会不会就不爱我了?记着,一个大兔子群落里的若干兔子也是和谐紧密地生活在一起的。也许他们会有偏爱,但不会排除某个成员出他们的友爱圈。我们也应该扪心自问:你会不会因为有了别的兔子就不爱你原来那一只了呢?

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morry 发表于 2020-3-20 00:31:07



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