今日主播袁勇说: 美国众议院民主党议员近日提出了一个新提案,要扩大电动车的税收抵免,凡是美国工会生产的电动车,每辆车最高可获得12500美元的税收抵免,其他大多数电动汽车的减免额度保持在之前的7500美元。 听到这个消息,丰田和本田两大日本车企立刻作出回应。 丰田汽车发表声明称,该提案歧视选择不加入工会的美国汽车工人。本田汽车则表示,该提案不公平,不能仅以是否属于美国工会为税收抵免依据,本田与合作伙伴在美国多个州生产电动车,他们理应得到公平和平等的对待。 为什么这两家日本车企持反对态度呢?原来,通用汽车、福特汽车等美国汽车厂均有美国工会代表,因此都能享受到新优惠政策,相比之下,在美国运营的外国汽车制造商都没有代表工人组织的工会,只能被排除政策之外。税收减免政策的差异,无疑将削弱日本车企的价格竞争力。 更多资讯请看今日双语“外企头条”↓ 可口可乐在中国推出易识别新包装 Coca-Cola Launches Easy-to-Recognize New Packaging in China ![]() 近日,可口可乐公司在中国市场陆续推出全新包装的可口可乐产品,这是自 2016年发布“同一品牌”全球营销策略以来,又一次全球规模的包装升级。 The Coca-Cola Company recently launched Coca-Cola products with brand-new packaging in the China market. This was part of the company's effort to upgrade product packaging worldwide after the "One Brand" global marketing strategy launched in 2016. 此次包装焕新在设计上进行了大胆简化,删除了包括飘带在内的部分视觉元素,同时将“可口可乐”标志上移。 The new packaging has boldly simplified the design. Some visual elements including the ribbons have been deleted, and the Coca-Cola logo has been moved upwards. 在直观简约设计的基础上,可口可乐全新包装还增添了一个 “回收我”标志,以鼓励消费者在饮用后把“我”——即饮料瓶进行回收,共同参与到可口可乐公司“天下无废”全球可持续包装愿景行动中来。 In addition to the intuitive and simplified design, Coca-Cola's new packaging is also added with a message on its label: "Recycle Me" in Chinese, which encourages consumers to recycle the bottles after consumption and join the company’s sustainability commitment to create a "World Without Waste". 与中国市场同步,带有可持续包装标志的新包装可口可乐也已在全球市场陆续上市,包括美国、新加坡、马来西亚等。 In addition to China, the new Coca-Cola packaging with the sustainability message have also been launched across the globe, including countries such as the United States, Singapore, and Malaysia. 宠物食品生产商进军人造肉制品领域 Pet Food Producer Is Moving Into Cell-Based Meats 植物性宠物食品生产商Wild Earth近日获得一轮2300万美元的融资,该公司希望进军人造肉制品领域。 Wild Earth, which produces plant-based pet food, raised a $23 million funding as it looks to move into cell-based meats. 该公司将利用这笔资金生产新的宠物食品,并开发以人造肉为基础的牛肉、鸡肉和海鲜类食品,以实现可持续目标。 The company will use the funding to produce new dog and cat foods, as well as develop beef, chicken, and seafood cell-based meats, which aims to be more sustainable. 疫情期间,美国的宠物饲养和消费大幅增长。根据美国宠物产品协会的数据,70%的美国人(约9050万家庭)目前拥有宠物。这一比例高于2020年的67%。 Pet ownership and spending has boomed in the U.S. amid the pandemic. Seventy percent of Americans, or roughly 90.5 million homes, now own a pet, according to the American Pet Products Association. That represents is up from 67% of households in 2020. 根据美国宠物协会的数据,2020年,美国在宠物相关产品和服务上的支出为1036亿美元,同比增长6.5%。 In 2020, $103.6 billion was spent in the U.S. on pet-related products and services, a 6.5% year-over-year increase, according to the APPA. 其中最大的一笔支出是宠物食品和零食,总额达420亿美元,同比增长9.7%。 The biggest portion of that expenditure is on pet food and treats, which totaled $42 billion, up 9.7% year-over-year. 转自/经济日报·外企头条工作室 本文内容系原创,转载请注明来源。 来源: 经济日报 |
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