从人类基因样本中测出犬种结果 国外宠物基因检测遭质疑

2024-3-20 13:02| 查看: 60 |原作者: 中国日报网

摘要: 据英国《卫报》13日报道,加拿大宠物基因检测公司DNA My dog两次对送检的人类基因样本给出犬种检测结果,这引发人们对犬种基因检测准确性的质疑。On Wednesday, WBZ News reported its investigations team rece ...

据英国《卫报》13日报道,加拿大宠物基因检测公司DNA My dog两次对送检的人类基因样本给出犬种检测结果,这引发人们对犬种基因检测准确性的质疑。


On Wednesday, WBZ News reported its investigations team receiving dog breed results from the company DNA My Dog after one of its reporters sent in a swab sample – from her own cheek.《卫报》援引WBZ新闻13日的报道称,WBZ新闻的一名记者从自己的脸颊上提取DNA样本后送检,其调查小组收到了DNA My dog公司的犬种检测结果。

According to the results from the Toronto-based company, WBZ News reporter Christina Hager is 40% Alaskan malamute, 35% shar-pei and 25% labrador.根据DNA My dog的基因检测结果,WBZ新闻记者克里斯蒂娜·哈格的基因40%是阿拉斯加雪橇犬,35%是沙皮犬,25%是拉布拉多犬。

Hager also sent her samples to two other pet genetic testing companies. The Melbourne, Australia- and Florida-based company Orivet reported that the sample “failed to provide the data necessary to perform the breed ID analysis”. Meanwhile, Washington-based company Wisdom Panel said that the sample “didn’t provide … enough DNA to produce a reliable result”.哈格还将她的样本送往另外两家宠物基因检测公司。总部位于澳大利亚墨尔本和美国佛罗里达州的Orivet公司称,样本“未能提供进行品种身份分析所需的数据”。总部位于华盛顿的Wisdom Panel公司表示,该样本“没有提供……足够的DNA来产生可靠的结果”。

WBZ News’ latest report comes after its investigations team sent in a sample from New Hampshire pet owner Michelle Leininger’s own cheek to DNA My Dog last year. In turn, the results declared Leininger 40% border collie, 32% cane corso and 28% bulldog.在WBZ新闻发布这条最新报道前,其调查小组去年曾将新罕布什尔州宠物主人米歇尔·莱宁格从自己脸颊上提取的样本送交DNA My Dog。结果显示,莱宁格的基因40%是边境牧羊犬,32%是卡斯罗护卫犬,28%是斗牛犬

At the time, DNA My Dog told WBZ News that it only found canine DNA on one of Leininger’s two cheek swabs.当时,DNA My Dog告诉WBZ新闻,他们仅在莱宁格的两个脸颊拭子中的一个上发现了狗的DNA。

“The second sample did in fact yield canine DNA … The results provided would not be possible on a human sample,” the company said.该公司表示:“事实上,第二个样本确实测出了犬类DNA……所提供的结果在人类样本上是不可能出现的。”

But faulty results have cast doubt on the accuracy of the DNA tests.但这些错误的结果使人们对犬类DNA检测的准确性产生了怀疑。

In response to WBZ News’ latest reporting, people aired their doubts on social media.针对WBZ新闻的最新报道,人们在社交媒体上表达了他们的疑虑。

“It would be interesting to see what the results would be if they sent dog DNA to one of the human DNA genealogy testing sites,” one person said.一位网友说:“如果他们把狗的DNA送到一个人类基因谱系测试点,结果会是什么,这将是一件有趣的事情。”

Someone else said: “Throw money at something like this? Never!! Would never trust it.”还有人说:“在这上面浪费钱?永远不要相信。”







